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Addiction and change : how addictions develop and addicted people recover

Carlo C. DiClemente. -- Guilford Press, 2003. -- (The Guilford substance abuse series). <BB00612027>
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0001 青山本館 青5F西B集密洋図一般 616.86||D7-1 000718872 0items
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Library 青山本館
Location 青5F西B集密洋図一般
Call No 616.86||D7-1
Material ID 000718872
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Addiction and change : how addictions develop and addicted people recover / Carlo C. DiClemente
publication,distribution,etc.,area New York : Guilford Press , c2003
physical description area xviii, 317 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Volume Information
ISBN 1572300574
parent bibliography link The Guilford substance abuse series <BB00641059>//a
contents of works 1. Models of addiction and change
contents of works 2. The process of human intentional behavior change
contents of works 3. The well maintained addiction : an ending and a beginning
contents of works 4. Exploring precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of becoming addicted
contents of works 5. Repeated and regular use : moving from preparation to action on the road to addiction
contents of works 6. Precontemplation for recovery : cultivating seeds for change
contents of works 7. The decision to change : moving from the contemplation to the preparation stage of recovery
contents of works 8. Preparing for action : creating a plan
contents of works 9. Taking action to change an addiction
contents of works 10. The long haul : well-maintained recovery
contents of works 11. Prevention : interfering with the process of becoming addicted
contents of works 12. Designing interventions for recovery
contents of works 13. Research on addiction and change
note Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-310) and index
NCID BA65705366
text language code English
author link *DiClemente, Carlo C. <AU40188197>
classification LCC:RC564
classification DC21:616.86/03
subject headings Addicts -- Rehabilitation
subject headings Substance abuse -- Treatment